Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

<object widt…

Posted: April 16, 2012 in Uncategorized

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Posted: April 16, 2012 in Uncategorized

Theme for English B

Posted: November 23, 2011 in Uncategorized

When I saw the peom and I start to read it, I though in discrimination as a main topic because the man talks about the racial differences and how people around the word make the difference just for the skin color.

Theme for English B is really interesting to read because it talks about the discrimination between people all over the world and how the discrimination can affect us in all sense. I think that there are not “A” or “B” people because everybody has the same rights to do whatever. The world is not equal, which means that we live in a world with plenty of diversity, therefore, no one is equal.

“As I learn from you,
I guess you learn from me—
although you’re older—and white—
and somewhat more free.”

I really like this sentence because it shows how people believe in the right of thinking in what or who is better than other just for appareances, and not for the most important which are feelings. In fact, the guys say that he has the same interestes than other people because he is not different and he has never been different, just it … of color. “I guess being colored doesn’t make me NOT like the same things other folks like who are other races.”

PET Practice

Posted: November 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

Correct Answers
1.- 4/5
2.- 9/10
3.- 8/10
4.- 5/5
5.- 7/10

Writing II.

Dear Jeff,
I hope you’re Ok. I send you this email to thank you for the party we gave yesterday. It was really nice because I enjoyed a lot dancing and singing with old friends.
I think that we could meet again next week on Saturday at 9 p.m. What do you say?
Bye! Cheers!

Writing III.

You say you want to have the same holidays as mine, but what if you choose another place? Because here in Scotland the weather is too cold and wet, which has the consequence that you get sick very fast, the roof of your house would freeze, you would not enjoy much of your holiday, etc. In addition, the hotel food is horrible because when they serve you food it has all kinds of insects, the rooms are always dirty, the employees treat you badly, and besides, the hotel charges dearly. However, a good place to go on vacation would be Easter Island because it has a good weather, things are cheap, people treat you good, beautiful scenery, etc.
I hope everyting I’ve said makes you look for a better place
Kind regards,


Posted: October 12, 2011 in Uncategorized

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My dream home :)

Posted: September 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

Well, this is my dream home where I’d like to live. It is located in a very quite place, where you can enjoy the freedom, listening to music or reading without any noise… somewhere in the countryside.

Also, I’d like to have a “secret room” next to my home where only I can go in and where I can keep all kinds of things that I don’t use. Obviously, this would fulfill my childhood dream of having my secret room. Furthermore, I’d like to have a huge backyard where I can run free, shout, jump, dance, etc. Besides, I’d like to have a pool to relax after I finish my class.

Finally, having a great relationship with my neighbors would be wonderful because we could share all seasons of the year as a family, going on vacations together, having parties, going to the mountains, etc.

PET Online Practice

Posted: September 20, 2011 in Uncategorized

Correct answers
Reading part 1: 5/5
Reading part 2 5/5
Reading part 3:  6/10
Reading part 4: 2/5
Reading part 5: 9/10

Writing Part 2.

Dear Robyn,
I want to thank you for coming with me to London and buying me lunch. So, as last time you invited me, Why don’t we meet to have lunch tomorrow? Of course, I’ll pay.
See you tomorrow.
Víctor Q.

Writing part 3.

My favourite movie is Billy Elliot. It is  my favourite one because it shows how a little boy , called Billy, follows his passion for ballet, and also, it shows how a little boy follows his passion for ballet, even though his family didn’t support him at the beginning. Also, I think there are a lot of children or grown up people that are not allowed to do what they want for different reasons. I think just as Billy does, that you should do whatever it takes to do what you love.

1) Summary.

This review is about a short-story which will make you read every paragraph again to find something new. Filled of mystery and suspense, “The people next door” is about a joung couple, Bradd and Shirlee, that arrives to their new home, where they’ll find neighbours such as The Jensens, Roy, his wife Lily, and their children. The things complicate when that young couple goes away with no aparently reason, only with what they are wearing, and never comes back.

That’s why all the people of the neighbourhood get very curious about this, so they go and look through the window, look after their house, but nothing seems to happen, further than the fact that they are gone.

Lily is the most intrigued about this, and at the 20th anniversary since they left, she goes into the house and sits in a chair, which she thinks was prepared for her.

As I could understand, I think it’s a great story, not only for the fact it’s not boring to read, but you will never know what happened with those people, and also what happens with Lily as well. You can create your own ending, and  make further conclusions.

2.- Glossary.

3.-  Changing the story ending.

Suddenly, She hears a voice which comes as it was far far away. “Hey Lily! We’ve been waiting for you”.

Scared, She stands up as quickly as she can, and a cold wind goes along her, while black clouds were above her. After that, she hears that voice, again. “Lily, You will not be capable to leave because you will live here, forever, next to our house.”  It was Shirlee’s voice, She was sure of it.

Meanwhile, she tries to escape. She cannot move at all. She tries to shout but she cannot make any sound, and furthermore, she cannot hear her own thoughts. Everything was so dark, she could not see anything in spite of turning her head to both sides.

She returned to hear that creepy voice again that said,  “This is your time. Now, We came for you, and we are not going to let you go back!.”

Roy never knew what happened to his wife, and also, nobody else saw her body. The mistery of the abandoned house to the people next door is still there, and also those people who arrive there, they do it, too.

video project :D

Posted: August 26, 2011 in Uncategorized

Posted: August 15, 2011 in Uncategorized

This video called my attention because it shows about the “double life” that must lead the sexual diversity today. They need to lie to the people around them because they feel afraid about their reactions against them because not all the people accept the different sexual conditions and also, this is why some are against others so unreal and real, just as they are.

Lies in any case are good because it can lead to different endings, as shown in the video, because there is a moment where we can not continue liying  but we can not also tell the truth and so when we tell the truth, all finishing bad.

I think that people should know that there are many differents kinds of people around them and we can not all  be equals.