Movie review: The Schindler’s list.

Posted: November 13, 2014 in Uncategorized

The Schindler’s list is an American historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg in 1993. The film portrays the Oskar Schindler’s life, a German industrialist who saved some Polish-Jewishs during the Holocaust, by employing them in several factories to prevent them from being sent to concentration camps. To the creation of the movie, many people contributed. For instance, Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall and Embeth Davidtz. Finally, the film was shot in Kraków, Poland.

The film stars by illustrating the Germans placing polish Jews into the Kraków Ghetto. Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, arrives in the city hoping to increase his economical status. For this, Schindler acquires a factory to produce enamelware. To run his project, Schindler approaches a local Jew official who has contacts with the community. Thus, Schindler keeps relations with the Nazis, talking advantage of the wealthy position he has there.

As time passes by, the purpose Schindler’s asignal intention has dramatically shifts when he relocates his workers to a new factory –  when he creates the Schindler’s list in order to save people and send them to a secure place. Nevertheless, in the train people were supposed to go – women and children –  to a safety place is accidentally redirected to Auschwitz.

The Schindler’s list is a long and though movie that must be watched. As we know, a German businessman enlists Jews to work in his factory where at first, the German man seems to be an opportunist as the  Jews were cheap, readily available labour. However, he becomes a gradually aware that his factory signifies the tremendous difference between life and death.

As viewer, I would dare to say this film is a must see because of the following reasons. To begin with, the movie perfectly  depicts the horrors of the Holocaust, war and the tragedy of the Jewish nation. By this I do not mean I like how much people suffered at that times; if not I just want to highlight how the movie makes us feel if we were living that moment. Along with this, the cast undoubtedly did an outstanding job when personifying the character given. Last but not least, the use of colors and environments was astonishing. Both, colors and places acted as if they were one more character as well.

Finally, I definitely recommend this movie since it depicts that no human life can be replaced by another one.  Plus, there is nothing more valuable that human life. Following this idea, the movie presents something that we – as new generations – never lived; however, this is an important issue that happened time ago that we will never forget. Moreover, the film teaches us a lesson of life and to remember those people who died needlessly along with those who attempted to help those same people survive.

To sum up: “Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire”.

Should you wish to look for more information, click here. Besides, this is a memorable scene; my favorite one indeed.

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